脱口秀 黄西|黄西的美国梦:从生化博士到脱口秀明星(图)
从博士到脱口秀明星 黄西的美国梦
近年来,一位名叫黄西的美籍华人以其机智幽默的单人脱口秀而深受网友热捧。最近,为宣传个人自传,黄西回到国内脱口秀 黄西,讲述他从生化博士到单口相声(stand-up )明星的美国梦。
When a young man from a small in China hard and a of in the US it’s the dream.
But for a with a heavy to a stand-up in the US it’s more like a .
Joe Wong, , has done both. After as a stand-up in the US for the past two years, the 41-year-old has to China to his book The Tao of Humor: An by Joe Wong.
“The key, or the to is doing the thing you like, or an in your work,” Wong said.
Wong didn’t his love for stand-up until 2002, when his took him to a club in .
黄西之前一直没有意识到自己对单口相声秀的这份热爱,直到2002年的某天脱口秀 黄西,朋友们将他带到一家位于波士顿的喜剧俱乐部。
that, Wong was with a from Rice , , Texas, and who talks with a .
After for a few , Wong made his debut at a club in in late 2002.
“When I my first five of , a of the came to me and said ‘you , but I didn’t a word you said’, ” Wong said.
Wong kept and at the club, until he well known in .
In April 2009, Wong was to on the Late Show with David , a late-night talk show in the US.
Wong said it was a point of his and his life. He did very well and was to at the Radio and ’ in 2010.
“It was the of my life. It was a great honor for me to stand in the venue as an Asian, and speak for with a long ,” Wong said.
to Wong, his jokes aren’t humor, but are with his . He said enjoy logic. For , the US tax from on ways to cure . Wong jokes: “When I , I was a way to cure .”
黄西称,自己的笑话并非即兴的幽默,而是根据他的理工科知识精心加工而成。他说人们喜欢荒诞的逻辑。例如脱口秀 黄西|黄西的美国梦:从生化博士到脱口秀明星(图),美国政府利用征收烟草税来寻求治愈癌症的方法。黄西打趣道:“当我抽烟时脱口秀,实际上我是在寻求治愈癌症的方法。”
He also makes jokes about being an . “ are good at self-. They will not look down at you if you make fun of . They will you ,” Wong said.
“Also, I want to tell about to raise their .”
Wong has his . Some think that he could more to as a , than a stand-up , but Wong .
“I have been to and met many there. I think in the US has ,” Wong said. “But in my area, you found any .”
Wong said he’d many ’ view that lack a sense of humor and are in work.
“ more will our . I also want to like me to speak out and live .”