
综艺节目 admin 2年前 (2023-03-03) 191次浏览 0个评论 扫描二维码






My name is Joe Wong. But to most , I am known as “Who?” which is my ’s name, and the to my card .

开场先是自嘲下自己默默无闻不为所知,然后利用中英文谐音,再联系到信用卡密码保护,因为网上注册时 选择用于取回密码的验证问题里,最常见的就是妈妈的姓氏是什么。

aside, I want to you that I am here .

因为前一阵子白宫举行一个活动,美国一对夫妻混过白宫层层保安黄西白宫脱口秀,装作是白宫邀请的贵宾,还跟这些政客 合影留念并发到网上,其中就有坐在边上的副总统Joe Biden,被曝光后,在美国引起很大争议,白宫的安保问题被质疑。

I grew up in China. Who didn’t?



Most of my are by my . When I was in , as part of the , I at a rice paddy next to a where they use to break rocks. That’s where I that light than sound, which is as slow as a rock.

主要是用生动而夸张的语言形容小时候生活环境的恶劣,光速比声速快,后者跟石头飞散的速度差不多,就 是远处一道闪光,几秒后隆隆爆炸声伴着小石子飞溅过来。

另外提到rice paddy,呼应后文自己在rice 读phd。

My dad was a guy. But he tried to cheer me up with jokes. When I was 7 he said to me, “Son, why is tofu than ?” 5 later, I said, “Why?” He said, “ I said so!”

形容父亲脾气暴躁,毫无逻辑,颐指气使。5分钟后是笑点,如此荒谬的问题还想了那么久。这两段就是夸 张描述下自己的童年,因为跟美国人的经历完全不同,观众会因为新鲜荒谬而发笑。

In 1994, I came to the to study at Rice in Texas, that wasn’t a joke, until now. I was this used car with a lot of that are to peel off. And one of them said, “If you don’t speak , go home!” And I didn’t it for two years.that wasn’t a joke, until now.

这句是临场发挥,效果很好,因为前面提到rice paddy,所以强调一下这个不是笑话,是真的。 这个牌子的内容和所用的语言本身的矛盾是一个笑点。

We my son to the . We try to make him speak at home and in . I had to say to him in , “If you don’t speak , go home!” He said, “Why do I have to learn two ?” I said, “When you the , you will have to sign bills in , and talk to debt in !”

此处用到了刚才上的话;间接表达了中国是美国的债权国,属于常用技 巧:政治时事热点就那么几条,关键是能够委婉间接的通过不同的段子说到这个点上。

After I from Rice, I to stay in the US in China I can’t do the thing I do best here, being . In order to a , we had to take with like: Who’s ? We were like, “Ahh.., the our store gets ?” What’s the ? We were like, “Ahh.., the our store gets ?” What is Roe vs Wade? We went, “Ahh…, two ways of to the US?”

我在中国有件事肯定不如在美国,那就是民族性。用同一个答案回答了两个美国历史问题,非常有笑果,用 移民的角度“误解”美国的著名堕胎案判例,是一般美国人无法想象的视角。


Later I read a lot about . So much so that I to feel white guilt. In , all men are equal, but after birth, it on their ’ for early and .

这段看上去很诡异,作为一个黄色人种,怎么会有这种优越感,去产生white guilt,实际上在为后面跟总统比做铺垫。

I read on Men’s that Obama every week has two days and 4 days. I don’t have to I have . I live in where we had and then Scott Brown. Talk about mixed ! I think there was a movie about him. It’s “Kill Bill”

这段是一种很微妙的搞笑,如果奥巴马那天不是临时有事,在边上坐着的话会很有意思。kill bill的bill不是指克林顿,应该指法案。Scott Brown是共和党人,刚当选麻省议员,反对全民医保。所以说他kill bill “扼杀了(医保)法案”。

We have Mr. vice Joe Biden here . I have read your and today I see you. I think the book is much . They have cast Brad Pitt, or Jolie.

美国政客是要被随时拿来开涮的,其他的讽刺起来比黄西狠得多。这里提到皮特和朱莉可 以做两种解释:一是自传的文字都可以用来形容明星了,二是若将自传拍成电影的话得请他俩来出演才够格。

We have many here whom I as peers. I once wrote for the . is the last for puns. Only in a can I say, “I was born in the year of the horse, that’s why I’m a neigh-sayer (nay-sayer)” ,my point .

马叫声英文是neigh,neigh-sayer就是发出马叫声的人,谐音nay-sayer脱口秀演员,后者 是总说反对意见,投反对票的人,na这个词y常用在现场口头投票,如果反对,一般说nay,不说no。在座很多记者,我认为是我的同行,还有上面的自炫比 奥巴马优越,因为不用健身,都是一种比较难解释很微妙的幽默,可以理解为对那些自我感觉良好的人的一种讽刺。

my point ,这正是我想说的,是用这个蹩脚的双关来解释共和党近一年来的表现:对奥巴马的几乎所有提案都持反对票,同时讽刺一下他们的动机:就是为了 反对而反对。

This is my first time on CSPAN, a I watch when I ’t the and of PBS and QVC. If I still ’t go to sleep after CSPAN, there are and 3!

PBS有点类似中国的中央电视台,弘扬主旋律为主,QVC是电视购物频道,所以说这俩的审查和煽动性 比较强。明知自己的演讲时CSPAN在直播,但还讽刺一下这个电视台,美国人很喜欢这么干。CSPAN相当于美国国会的监控录像,全天直播国会的各种会议,听证,刚开始看了新鲜,时间长了就很无聊。


I was just to be to ’s event. I the White House my jokes about the , and that’s when Obama not to come and the . Take that ! Obama has been of being too soft. But he was two wars and they still gave him the Nobel peace prize, and he it. You can’t get more bad-ass than that! The only way you can be more bad-ass than is that if you took the peace prize money and gave it to the .

奥巴马没到,但也没忘调侃一下他,反衬自己写的那几个笑话的威力。提到 ,因为几年前的记者招待会,他当着bush的面羞辱了bush,那次bush脸色很难看,劳拉甚至骂了粗口,但就是当面很尴尬而已,而我把 奥巴马吓得都不敢来了,还开始考虑是否该让这些移民来到美国。take that 相当于说:怎么样 ,我比你牛X吧。

I a US in 2008. Thank you! is one! That’s true! We won the World every year!

讽刺了美国国内的各种职业联赛冠军头衔都叫World 。

After the U.S. , I to vote for Obama/Biden. (Turn and face Biden) You are . You had me at “Yes we can” That was their .

当众邀功奥巴马和拜登的当选,You had me那句是指,你们的那句Yes we can打动了我。

After them , I felt this power trip and to think maybe I run for . I have to a here. I had been kind of a and guy. I feel that life is like into the snow in a dark night. You made a , but it’s hard to tell. Now we have a who is half black half white. That just gives me so much hope I am half not black half not white. Two make a .

Two make a ,负负得正,joe在其他节目里还说过下一句的,这次没说出来,就是two make a legal,指只要在美国境内出生就自动获得美国国籍,无论父母身份。

So my , you may be what is your ? You see, I spent 10 years in the past . You too? I that are . My will be, “Who cares!”

这个who cares是经典,用了一开始说的话,可以理解为hu cares,也就是我关心大家的疾苦,同时who cares这个意思也讽刺了一下美国竞选的本质,宣传口号是口号,当选了也许就不那么关注老百姓的感受了。

网上很多人说这个who也指hu主席,我觉得没有这层意思,就是 我在乎V.S. 谁tm在乎呢


If , I would make same sex not only legal, but , that would get me the youth vote. You see that I am now, but I used to be about . I was like:”Wow! 50% of all end up !”


I will by the of so that two have to do the job of one, just like the vice and the , the Olson twins.

不断地调侃总统副总统。Olson twins是著名双胞胎,童星。曾经两人演一个角色,在《full house》里。

heart and , most die from . If , I will find a cure for . It may not be by of pre- .

如果当选,我将找到治疗自然死亡的方法,讽刺一下美国总统的大选的诸多空头承诺,很多不可能实现的。 pre- 是指购买医疗保险前的身体状况,保险公司会相应的拒保或者提高保费。

I have a quick for . I will from to . It was 100 and now it’s 40! You are ! I’m great at I’m from China and I can see from my .

无厘头的解决全球变暖方法。最后一句是08年美国的经典段子,麦凯恩搭档,阿拉斯加女州长佩林接受采 访被问到有什么外交经验时,说了类似的话,但不是原句。后来经喜剧女王Tina Fey在SNL上模仿调侃,这句成为经典。

On . I that is too ; open is too slow. If , I will go with text . I’ll text our just to say hi; and text our when they are . “OMG you are ! But U R doing it wrong, LOL!”

I would like to thank Radio and TV ’ for such an honor! This is the first time I wish my 3 year old son knew what I was doing.










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